Social Media Do’s and Don’ts for Personal Injury and Car Accident Victims


It can be fun and rewarding to share events in your life with family and friends on social media, but when it comes to personal injury and car accident cases, it's essential to be mindful of your social media activity. That’s why the best accident attorney in Queens always ask clients about their social media posting habits and make suggestions about how to modify their behavior while their personal injury case is pending. What you post online can potentially impact your case, so it's important to know the do's and don'ts. Here are some guidelines from to follow from a the top Queens and Brooklyn personal injury attorney:


  1. Do review your privacy settings: Make sure your social media accounts have strict privacy settings. Limit your posts and information to be visible only to your trusted friends and family.
  2. Do be cautious about accepting friend requests: Avoid accepting friend requests from people you don't know personally. Insurance companies and defense attorneys may try to access your information through fake accounts.
  3. Do consult with your attorney before posting anything related to your accident or injury so they can guide you on what information is safe to share and what should be avoided.
  4. Do document your injuries: If you want to share updates with your close friends and family, focus on documenting your recovery process rather than discussing the details of the accident or injury. Photos or updates about your rehabilitation progress can be appropriate.
  5. Do use social media for support: Social media can be a source of emotional support during difficult times. You can use it to connect with support groups, discuss coping strategies, and find encouragement from others who have gone through similar experiences.

As you can see, the best accident attorneys won’t tell you that you can’t share online at all. Using social media in a positive and appropriate way can strengthen your case. On the other hand, there are some things that Queens and Brooklyn personal injury attorneys will always suggest that you avoid, such as:


  1. Don't post about the accident: Avoid discussing the details of the accident, fault, or any legal proceedings on social media. Even innocent posts can be misinterpreted or used against you.
  2. Don't post about your injuries or medical treatment: Refrain from sharing specific information about your injuries or medical treatment. This includes posting photos of medical procedures, doctor visits, or any details that could be used to undermine your claim.
  3. Don't post about physical activities: Avoid posting about engaging in physical activities that may contradict your claims of injury. Insurance companies may use such posts to argue that your injuries are not severe or that you're not experiencing pain.
  4. Don't delete or modify existing posts: Resist the temptation to delete or modify your social media posts after an accident. Doing so may be seen as an attempt to conceal information or destroy evidence, which can harm your credibility.
  5. Don't engage with opposing parties: Refrain from engaging in conversations or arguments with the opposing parties involved in your case on social media. It's best to leave any disputes or discussions to your legal representation.


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