How To Prevent Motorcycle Accidents


Mothers fainting when they find out that their son has purchased a motorcycle have become a cliche for a good reason, motorcycles are the most dangerous form of transportation. No other form of transportation even comes close. According to Statista, these are the death rates per billion passenger miles for each of the following forms of transportation:



Passenger Vehicle












Motorcycles are so dangerous because they offer little protection from impacts from other vehicles and the road. Helmets are helpful, but cannot prevent all serious head injuries. That’s why Wittenstein & Wittenstein, top accident attorneys in Queens, have put together some tips that can help prevent motorcycle accidents. If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, it’s important to hire the best Queens, Brooklyn and Bronx car accident attorney that knows how to maximize the value of your claim. Call 718-261-8114 for a free consultation.

Safety Tips for Motorcycle Riders in NYC

       Drive slowly, especially in inclement weather;

       Change lanes carefully and use signals;

       Never drive between lanes;

       Always wear a helmet and provide one for your passenger;

       Don’t tailgate;

       Never use a mobile phone, even hands free;

       Don’t eat or drink and

       Never have a very young child as a passenger.

The suggestions above, with the exception of driving between lanes, are also recommended for passenger cars, but they are even more important for safe motorcycle riding. For example, the wheel of a car can successfully remain in place using one hand, but the handlebars of a motorcycle cannot. That’s why eating and drinking while riding a motorcycle is so more hazardous.

Hire The Top Accident Attorneys in Queens

If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, you’re probably looking at a large financial hit from out-of-pocket medical expenses and lost earnings. 

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