Auto Accidents Cause Most Head Injuries


According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, more head injuries are caused by motor vehicle accidents than by any other type of trauma. They are also the most common cause of disability and death for adults in the United States. All head injuries must be taken seriously because symptoms of traumatic brain injuries (TMI) are not always clear and delays in treatment can result in a death that might have been prevented. That’s why Alyce Wittenstein, the best Queens Brain Injury Attorney, recommends always going straight to the emergency room by ambulance if you sustain even the slightest trauma to your head in an auto accident.

What Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents Cause TMIs

Any type of trauma to the head must be taken seriously, but there are some types of accidents and behaviors that are more likely to result in a TMI such as:

       Motorcycle Accidents cause the lion’s share of TMIs, even when both the driver and the passenger are wearing helmets.

       Pedestrians are completely unprotected when they are hit by motor vehicles.

       Head on Collisions cause severe TMIs because the speeds of the vehicles are multiplied when they collide from opposite directions.

       Rollovers are especially dangerous for drivers and passengers that are not wearing a seatbelt.

       DUI is likely to be part of the equation for the most serious types of accidents.

You can protect yourself from serious injuries by driving carefully, obey traffic rules and asking to be dropped off at a bus stop if the driver of a vehicle you’re riding in is drinking, using drugs and/or driving recklessly. The best Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island and Brooklyn personal injury attorneys tell their clients that your health is more important than your driver’s feelings. Keeping this in mind might just save your life.

Types of Head Injuries

These are the most common type of head injuries sustained by victims of auto accidents:

       Concussions ranging from mild to severe;

       Skull Fractures that are classified as linear, depressed, diastatic and basilar;

       Intracranial Hematoma (ICH) injury that are classified as epidural or subdural;

All of these head injuries can be classified as TMIs based on their severity. This means that they can cause long term or permanent disability and require expensive medical and rehabilitation. That why it’s important to choose the best Queens brain injury attorney that knows how to collect the largest possible amount of money on your behalf.

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