
Showing posts from July, 2022

NYC Construction Accident Lawyer

 If you are looking for Affordable NYC Construction Accident Lawyer ? Wittenstein & Wittenstein is a leading law firm representing injured construction workers in New York City. Contact the NYC construction accident lawyers at Wittenstein & Wittenstein at 718-261-8114 for a free consultation.

How To Find The Best Forest Hills Personal Injury Attorney?

  If you’ve been injured in an accident, it’s important to get legal advice quickly so that evidence can be preserved and deadlines are met. That said, rushing into signing on the dotted line with somebody that hands you a card as you’re getting into an ambulance isn’t the right way to do it. When you choose the best Forest Hills personal injury lawyer that’s been serving the community for over sixty years, you’ll get great service and great results. Call Wittenstein & Wittenstein for a free consultation at 718-261-8114 and get your case off to a great start. Best Forest Hills Personal Injury Lawyer There are many attorneys that have offices in Forest Hills that claim to be experts in personal injury law, but if you look closely you’ll see that they’ve only been practicing personal injury law for a short time. When you hire a new or inexperienced firm, you are not likely to get superior results and you may even suffer the frustration of working with a firm that shuts down....

Auto Accidents Cause Most Head Injuries

  According to Johns Hopkins Medicine , more head injuries are caused by motor vehicle accidents than by any other type of trauma. They are also the most common cause of disability and death for adults in the United States. All head injuries must be taken seriously because symptoms of traumatic brain injuries (TMI) are not always clear and delays in treatment can result in a death that might have been prevented. That’s why Alyce Wittenstein, the best Queens Brain Injury Attorney , recommends always going straight to the emergency room by ambulance if you sustain even the slightest trauma to your head in an auto accident. What Types of Motor Vehicle Accidents Cause TMIs Any type of trauma to the head must be taken seriously, but there are some types of accidents and behaviors that are more likely to result in a TMI such as: ●        Motorcycle Accidents cause the lion’s share of TMIs, even when both the driver and the passenger are wearing helmet...