What Types Of Accidents Cause The Most Serious Injuries?

Any type of traumatic injury calls for evaluation to determine its severity, but the lion’s share of injuries from car accidents and falls are relatively minor. Accidents involving heavy impacts and falls from a significant height cause the majority of catastrophic disabilities such as paralysis, loss of a limb, blindness and loss of cognition. In order to collect the huge amount of compensation they’ll need to regain as much quality of life as possible, victims need experienced and specialized legal representation. For example, workers injured on a construction site should hire a NYC construction accident lawyer and people injured by large vehicles should retain a truck accident lawyer in NYC.

How To Choose The Best NYC Construction Accident Lawyer?

Many personal injury attorneys in NYC will advertise that they handle construction accident cases, but that doesn’t mean that they have the experience they’ll need to get you a great result. It’s important to choose a NYC construction accident lawyer that has handled many cases similar to yours and can provide you with references from satisfied clients. If you’re a construction worker, New York law generally bars lawsuits against your employer, limiting recovery to meager workers compensation benefits. When you consult with an experienced NYC construction accident lawyer, they’ll be able to investigate whether you meet an exception from this limitation, have a labor law claim or can sue a third party. Wittenstein & Wittenstein has the experience and know how to handle complicated cases involving serious injuries. Call 718-261-8114 for a free case review.

Only legal disputes between the actual employers and workers are covered by workers' compensation payments. Although employees have the right to file an employee insurance claim versus their employers, the rewards are often insufficient to compensate for lost income, medical expenditures, future earning capability, and a reduced quality of life. Victims can submit a work injury claim with a NYC Construction Accident Lawyer to determine if there are any other financial organizations that can compensate the construction worker. In most construction projects, several firms, entities, and people are all participating in and working on a single construction area.

In addition to workers' compensation payments, an NYC construction accident lawyer can assist in determining whether groups, individuals, or corporations that do not employ the injured worker were culpable in causing the harm and filing a personal injury case.

Who Are We?

Construction work is quite hazardous. The risk of death is four times higher than in any other employment! More than 500 construction workers have died in New York in the last 10 years, and hundreds have been seriously injured. Many of these mishaps may have been averted if necessary safeguards had been taken. A case to collect damages should be examined when established procedures to safeguard construction workers are not followed, resulting in significant injury or death.

Construction Accident and Truck Accident Lawyer NYC with decades of expertise can best assist you because these situations are highly intricate. We at Wittenstein & Wittenstein have a wealth of knowledge and experience. We have been helping victims of construction accidents and truck accidents for many years. We are considered the best Truck Accident Lawyer NYC and also offer free case review. It all begins with a free first appointment with an attorney, during which you will explore the facts and circumstances of your case. The rules and regulations of New York City will be implemented to your case's particular facts and circumstances, and you will be given an appraisal of its validity. Wittenstein & Wittenstein, NYC Construction Accident Attorneys, can professionally handle your workplace accidents claim or any other accident case.


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