The Benefits of Hiring a Queens Car Accident Attorney


It’s becoming increasingly common for insurance companies to try to settle car accident claims quickly with injured people before they get a chance to speak to a lawyer. This is a great strategy for insurers because when they’re successful, they get away with paying pennies on the dollar compared to what the injured person would collect if they hired a Queens car accident attorney. Sometimes they even try to settle the claim the same day, before the person has a chance to wake up stiff the next day and realize how badly injured they are. Here’s $500, they say, and some naive people actually accept it when their claim could be worth $10,000 or more. That’s why it’s important to speak to an accident attorney in Queens before settling with the insurance company.

Accident Attorneys in Queens Offer Contingency Fees

There’s nothing to lose when you contact a Queens car accident attorney that represents clients on a contingency fee because you don’t have to pay unless the attorney collects money for you. It costs you nothing when you sign the retainer and attorneys usually collect more than ten times as much money as unrepresented claimants. Accident attorneys in Queens don’t like to waste time, so they won’t take your case unless they’re sure they can collect a large amount of money, so consulting with an accident attorney in Queens will give you a reality check about your case. If the attorney offers a free consultation, you’ll be able to find out quickly whether your case is worthwhile.

What Types of Compensation Are Available?

The insurance company will try to convince you that you’re case is only worth as much as you paid out of pocket for medical treatment. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. You’re also entitled to collect compensation for your lost time from work, lost business revenue and your future lost earnings due to any disability you’ve incurred. You’re also allowed to make a claim for your subjective pain, suffering, mental anguish and loss of enjoyment of life. Insurance companies know that juries can award large amounts of compensation to sympathetic victims that’s why they try to get you to settle quickly for a tiny amount of money. The insurers don’t want you to know that hiring an experienced Queens car accident attorney is the best way to maximize the value of your claim.

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