What Type Of Lawyer Handles Traumatic Brain Injury (TMI) Cases?

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TMI) can cause severe disabilities that last a lifetime. Access to state of the art treatment, facilities and devices can make the future can be much brighter for brain injury victims and their entire family. That’s why it’s so important to choose an attorney that can collect the largest amount of compensation possible for victims of catastrophic injuries. Personal injury attorneys sue people and companies that cause injuries due to their negligence, recklessness or intentional acts and specialize in areas such as car accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice, product liability and construction accidents. Traumatic brain injury cases require the highest level of skill and experience, with a commitment to help families obtain the resources they need as quickly as possible. Wittenstein & Wittenstein is the Queens brain injuries attorney that’s been successfully helping victims for over six decades. Call 718-261-8114 for a free consultation.

Queens Catastrophic Injury Attorney Helps Brain Injury Victims

There are many different types of catastrophic injuries, but one of the most devastating types are brain injuries. Symptoms of severe or even catastrophic brain injuries may not be immediately apparent after an accident. Look out for the following after any type of serious head injury:



        Blurred or Lost Vision;

        Memory Loss;


        Poor Concentration;




        Changes in Appetite and

        Personality Changes.

It’s important to get immediate care after a head injury. The most serious head injuries may require the use of a medivac to take the victim to the nearest highly rated trauma center. Less severe head injuries should be treated at the closest possible emergency room. Never go home after a head injury without being examined, as falling asleep after some types of concussions can cause death. Follow all the instructions for follow-up care and testing that are prescribed for you. Treatment for brain injuries can be very expensive and your insurance may be difficult to find the best doctors that accept your insurance. That’s why it’s important to call an experienced Queens brain injuries attorney that can help you locate the coverage available to cover your medical expenses and support your long term care by collecting the largest possible amount of compensation from the responsible parties. Wittenstein & Wittenstein is the Queens brain injury attorney that people have been trusting for over 60 years because they are transparent and get great results.

Queen Car Accident Attorney Specializes in Catastrophic Injuries

It takes experience and skill to uncover enough insurance coverage to properly compensate a brain injury victim after a car accident. New York State only requires car owners to carry $25,000 worth of liability insurance per person, and $50,000 per incident. Requirements for some types of commercial vehicles are higher with $100,000 minimums, which is still much too little compensation for a brain injury victim. That’s why you need to hire the best Queens Car accident attorney that can uncover additional deep pockets to compensate you for your loss. Insurance coverage is a virtual must, as pursuing a judgement against individuals is impractical as it is virtually impossible to collect the funds. 

Read More:-https://www.wittenstein.com/what-type-of-lawyer-handles-traumatic-brain-injury-tmi-cases/


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