What is Medical Malpractice?

 Medical negligence by a healthcare professional, leading to injury or death, is known as the Medical Malpractice.In New York, you generally have only 2 1/2 years to file a medical malpractice claim. If your claim includes a city or state hospital, a notice of claim must be filed within 90 days. Once a healthcare professional becomes aware of their mistake, they often try to cover their tracks. If you think you may be a victim of medical malpractice, it’s important to contact an experienced Queens medical malpractice attorney as soon as possible, before deadlines are blown and evidence is destroyed.

What Types of Mistakes Are Medical Malpractice?

Healthcare professionals are not required to be excellent. They are only required to not fall below the minimum standard of care that is reasonable under the circumstances. These are some of the most common types of medical malpractice:

πŸŸƒ                        Surgical Mistakes

πŸŸƒ                        Medication Errors

πŸŸƒ                        Failure to Diagnose a Condition

πŸŸƒ                        Failure to Properly Follow the Course of a Condition

πŸŸƒ                        Failing to Order Proper Tests

πŸŸƒ                        Releasing a Patient From the Hospital Prematurely

πŸŸƒ                        Birth Injuries

Not all bad outcomes result from errors. For example, surgical procedures have known risks and some conditions are extremely difficult to diagnose. There’s no way to know for sure if you’ve been a victim of medical malpractice without a thorough investigation and review of medical records. That’s why it’s important to consult with an experienced Queens medical malpractice attorney if you think you have a case.

What Is The Legal Process For A Medical Malpractice Case?

Medical malpractice cases are very costly to prosecute. Most Queens medical malpractice attorneys handle cases on a contingency fee, not charging clients until they collect money. This means they must be very selective about what cases they sign up. If the attorney believes your case has merit, he or she will order your medical records and review them with a legal nurse consultant that is a highly trained specialist in analyzing medical records. The legal nurse consultant will prepare a merit report which the attorney will use to decide if the case has enough potential to merit the investment of time and money that will be required. If the case is accepted, the attorney will start a lawsuit against the negligent or reckless health care provider that caused your injury. During the course of this litigation, it’s likely that you will testify at a deposition and have an examination by the doctors hired by the insurance company for the health care provider you’re suing. Most medical malpractice cases settle before trial, but it is possible that you will need to testify to a jury.

Queens Medical Malpractice Attorney

It’s important to hire a Queens medical malpractice attorney with a track record for successfully prosecuting medical malpractice cases and achieving the highest settlements and verdicts. Wittenstein and Wittenstein is the top personal injury firm in Queens, known for getting the best results on cases and it’s warm and caring attention to the needs of clients.

Read More:- https://www.wittenstein.com/what-is-medical-malpractice/


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