How to Settle A Car Accident Case

Only the tiniest percentage of traffic accident cases go to trial. That’s because it’s usually pretty clear how an accident happened, and if it’s not a compromise is used as a basis for settlement. It’s rare that a car accident is so complex that it requires the testimony of an accident reconstruction expert. If you’ve been seriously injured, information about the value for damages can be estimated from other cases where people had similar diagnoses and treatment. So why do you need a lawyer to represent you if the cases don’t go to trial? Personal injury attorneys know how to develop evidence for your case that will force the insurance to settle prior to trial. Here’s some tips from the best Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island and Brooklyn car accident attorneys and truck accident attorneys in NYC.

Call The Police

Never let the other driver talk you into “keeping the insurance companies out of it” or “handling it between ourselves.”  Not only does this route often leave you stuck paying your own deductible, but you even find yourself paying out of pocket for everything when you void your insurance policy by failing to report an accident in a timely manner. One of the reasons traffic accidents are easier to settle than other types of cases is that the major piece of evidence is the police report. If you were hit in the rear, and the police report reflects your version of the accident, you will have little trouble proving that it was 100% the other car’s fault.

Take The Ambulance To The Emergency Room

The police will offer you an ambulance if you tell them you’re injured. If you tell the police that you don’t want to take the ambulance to the emergency they will mark you “not injured” on the police report. There will be no explanation about how you were afraid to have the car towed, you had kids to pick up at school, you had to get to work - it will simply say “not injured.” Every Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island and Brooklyn car accident attorney will tell you that taking the ambulance to the hospital is also important for your health, as some types of internal injuries caused by seatbelts and airbags are asymptomatic at first, but could be life threatening. When the time comes to settle your case, it will be very helpful to be able to show that the injuries you are claiming were complained of immediately after the accident at the emergency room.

Time Out of Work and Medical Treatment Are Evidence For Damages

Truck accident lawyers in NYC handle large cases where people are very seriously injured in crashes involving heavy vehicles. They know that’s it’s not enough just to show pictures of the squashed car that was hit by a huge truck, it’s also necessary to document the impact of the accident on a person’s life. When somebody goes right back to work the day after an accident, it will have a negative impact on the settlement value of a case, especially if the person does physical work such as carpentry. If you are out of work for a substantial amount of time, your case is worth more. It’s not enough just to complain of your “pain and suffering,” you must prove it will medical evidence that shows your diagnosis and the amount of treatment that was necessary to improve your condition.


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