Injured In A Work-Related Car Accident? Here’s What You Need to Know!

When you are injured in a work-related car accident, you are not eligible for no-fault benefits under the car’s policy.  Instead, you must apply for worker’s compensation benefits to cover medical bills and reimbursement for time lost from work.  Accidents attorneys in Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island and The Bronx know that the best way to do this is to have an attorney or licensed worker’s compensation representative handle the worker’s compensation claim. 

For a car accident, the workers compensation claim for the first-party benefits will not impact your ability to sue the parties responsible for causing the accident.  For example, if you are hit in the rear by an “ACME Truck” driven by “Joe Doe,” you have a claim against both ACME and Doe for negligence.  The negligence cases can be handled by a Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island or Bronx Car Accident Attorney.  The case against the parties that caused the accident will progress the same way it would if you were not working when the accident happened.

It’s important to understand how the law defines “working.”  In this case, the issue is not whether or not you are employed, but whether you were actually working when the accident happened.  For example, if you were driving a taxi with a passenger in it, you were clearly working.  On the other, if you were driving the car back to the base with the off duty sign on, you were not “working.”  If you have an Uber car with TLC plates, but you are driving to the beach, you are not working.

Sometimes it’s not so clear whether or not a person is working at the time of a car accident.  In such cases it’s wise to immediately call an experienced Queens, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island or Bronx Car Accident Attorney.  Knowledgeable attorneys can assess your facts and apply the law to give you are good idea of your rights and responsibilities.  Most accident attorneys in Queens, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Manhattan or Staten Island will always file both no-fault and workers compensation to make sure you are covered for both scenarios.


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