Head to the Emergency Room After a Traffic Accident!

Despite increases in safety of motor vehicles, people are injured in traffic accidents every day.  Airbags and other safety devices will help minimize the extent of injuries in many cases, but will not prevent them completely.  Airbags can also cause injuries of their own, such as severe burns.  Seatbelts can sometimes cause internal injuries in the upper body.  If you’ve been involved in a serious traffic accident, you should head to the emergency room.  Your vehicle and your other responsibilities can wait; you must ensure that your health comes first.

Internal Injuries, Concussions and Fractures Require Immediate Attention

Any Queens, Bronx, Staten Island, Manhattan or Brooklyn traffic accident attorney can tell horror stories of people that didn’t realize the full extent of their injuries and skipped going to the emergency room after an accident.  Internal injuries are often asymptomatic, especially injuries from seatbelts that constrict the chest area during an accident.  The headache that seemed mild right after the concussion could be the sign of a serious concussion or brain damage.  The aching foot that is “probably just sprained,” could be fractured and require immediate attention.

The Police Will Always Arrange for An Ambulance

When somebody calls 911 to report a traffic accident, both the police and an ambulance are called to the scene.  If you are very seriously injured, and the ambulance comes first, get right in and get to the hospital as soon as possible.  The police will come to the hospital and take your statement there.  There’s no need to delay medical treatment by waiting for the police.  It is a big mistake to refuse the ambulance the police call for you, not only will you be listed on the police report as “not injured,” but you are risking serious complications from injuries that might need immediate treatment.

Can I Take a Taxi to the Hospital Later that Day?

Of course, you can, but by delaying your treatment you are jeopardizing both your health and your potential personal injury case.  But if you do make the mistake of not getting treatment immediately, that doesn’t mean you should fail to get the care you need if you notice pain worsening later that day, the next day or a week later.  An experience Queens, Manhattan, Bronx or Brooklyn traffic accident attorney can go the extra mile to get you the compensation you deserve, even with a gap in treatment.

I Prefer To Go To My Regular Doctor

Your regular doctor may be the best internist on the face of the Earth, but that might not make him qualified to diagnose and treat traumatic injuries.  Also, a doctor’s office may not have an x-ray machine, cat scan or MRI that could be necessary to properly diagnose a traumatic injury.  An emergency room is the best place to go after a traffic accident.  An urgent care center is second best, but they do not have all the facilities of a hospital and you might end up wasting time and energy only to find that the urgent care center is calling you an ambulance!


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