Head to the Emergency Room After a Traffic Accident!

Despite increases in safety of motor vehicles, people are injured in traffic accidents every day. Airbags and other safety devices will help minimize the extent of injuries in many cases, but will not prevent them completely. Airbags can also cause injuries of their own, such as severe burns. Seatbelts can sometimes cause internal injuries in the upper body. If you’ve been involved in a serious traffic accident, you should head to the emergency room. Your vehicle and your other responsibilities can wait; you must ensure that your health comes first. Internal Injuries, Concussions and Fractures Require Immediate Attention Any Queens, Bronx, Staten Island, Manhattan or Brooklyn traffic accident attorney can tell horror stories of people that didn’t realize the full extent of their injuries and skipped going to the emergency room after an accident. Internal injuries are often asymptomatic, especially injuries from seatbelts that constrict ...