Common Questions after a Truck Accident

Have you ever seen an 18-wheeler, semi-truck, tractor-trailer, or big rig crash into car? Have you ever wondered what would happen if that car was yours and you were driving? The tragedy of such a situation can be mitigated with knowledge about what to do.  At NYC truck accident lawyer Wittenstein & Wittenstein we can put your mind at ease and take care of all the details for you, so you can concentrate on getting better.

Truck accidents can cause catastrophic injuries, and long-term disability. Victims need an attorney with the experience to properly handle these more complicated claims. There are often multiple defendants, such as drivers, trucking companies, municipalities (for defects on the road) and manufacturers (for design defects in the truck.)  When catastrophic injuries occur, an experienced Brooklyn traffic accident attorney will leave no stone unturned to get the highest amount of compensation from all possible sources.


  1. Document Everything
    1. Take photos of the vehicles and your injuries
    2. Take videos of the vehicles and your injuries
    3. Interview witnesses (try to do it with video.)
    4. Get the information from all drivers and owners
      1. License Plate
      2. Driver’s License
      3. Names, addresses, phone numbers and emails for all involved
    5. Note any defects in the appearance of the 18-wheeler, semi-truck, tractor-trailor or big rig involved in the accident
    6. Note the appearance of the driver - does he seems to be under the influence or sleepy?

Securing all this information is a very important first step for an 18-wheeler accident, as it will allow your NYC truck accident lawyer to make every possible claim, including claims for negligent hiring and failure to maintain the truck in the proper way.  The more evidence there is, there more avenues an experienced Brooklyn traffic accident attorney has to get you the highest amount of compensation.


Cars are an important investment and an essential way to get around, but never consider your car damage problem before you consider your health.  If your injuries are serious, you MUST risk leaving your car in the hands of the police to tow to a shop, while you go to the hospital.  Never value your property more than your health.  If you have full-coverage for your vehicle, your insurance company will handle repairs.  If you do not have full-coverage, you can make a claim for property damage against the truck.  If the facts of the accidents are very clear, such as if you were sitting at a light and hit in the rear by the truck, you might be able to collect the money quickly for the truck’s insurance company, and not have to pay the deductible.  It’s always best to ask an experienced Brooklyn traffic accident attorney before calling an insurance company yourself.


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