Common Personal Injury Cases

There are thousands of personal injury claims filed each year by injured people.  The purpose of these claims is to acquire compensation for the pain and suffering that’s a result of somebody else’s carelessness.  Many studies have shown that a woman accident attorney NYC is better able to relate to clients and also makes the strongest cases.  Unfortunately, there are not that many woman personal injury attorneys, so finding one can be a challenge, but it’s well worth the effort.

  1. Traffic Accidents
Traffic accidents are the most common types of personal injury cases.  These accidents can happen in automobiles, limousines, taxis, Ubers, buses, trains, motorcycles and other types of vehicles.  Often they are caused by driver inattention, failure to observe traffic signals and sometimes by drivers under the influence or distracted by cell phones.  These cases often involve medical bills, lost earnings and pain and suffering.  Sometimes a victim can never return to their employment.  A woman personal injury attorney in Queens can make sure that a victim collects everything they are entitled to.

  1. Slip and fall
Slip and fall accidents are another common type of personal injury case.  Whether it is in a supermarket or on a sidewalk, a woman personal injury attorney NYC can bring a case to collect money for your damages.  If the accident happens on public property there is a very short deadline to file a Notice of Claim, so no time should be wasted before contacting an attorney.  Slip and fall accidents can cause head injuries, fractures, muscle sprains and other serious injuries, so medical attention should be sought immediately.

  1. Medical malpractice
Whether a healthcare professional fails to use the proper standard of care and causes injury, medical malpractice is the action taken against them.  In order to successfully bring a medical malpractice case, there must a very serious harm and ample evidence that it was caused by the doctor’s mistake.  Medical malpractice cases can collect money from doctors, nurses, physical therapists and a host of other medical professionals.  Actions can also be against the hospital or other facility where the medical condition was treated.

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