How to Choose a Medical Malpractice Attorney
Most health care providers are highly trained, competent and provide high quality care to their patients. Unfortunately, some health care providers are less diligent or become distracted due to personal issues, health problems or other issues. When a provider makes a mistake that causes serious harm to a patient, it’s called medical malpractice. Victims of medical malpractice are entitled to collect compensation for their out-of-pocket medical expenses, past and future lost earnings, retraining expenses, rehabilitation services, pain, suffering and mental anguish. If you’ve had a bad result from a medical procedure, you should speak to an experienced Queens medical malpractice attorney about making a claim. Who Can be Sued for Medical Malpractice? When any type of medical provider strays from the acceptable standard of care, they can be sued for medical malpractice. This means that in addition to doctors, you can also make a claim against the following types of licensed heal...