If you’ve ever filed a claim against an insurance company, you know that they’re not in a hurry to give you top dollar. They are trained to use every means possible to deny or reduce how much money they pay out in claims. That’s why unrepresented claimants collect pennies on the dollars when compared to plaintiffs represented by experienced negligence lawyers in Queens. Wittenstein & Wittenstein is the Queen, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Staten Island and Bronx car accident attorneys that’s trusted by more New Yorkers than any other firm. Low Ball vs. Policy Limits The first thing to understand is the difference between a lowball offer and a tender of policy limits. Due to the virtual impossibility of collecting any funds personally from most civil defendants, claims are usually limited to collecting the total amount of insurance coverage available for a claim. For example, if you sustain catastrophic injury, but the policy limits in effect are $25,000 that’s probably all you’ll...