
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Importance of Choosing the Right Brain Injury Attorney

When you, or somebody in your family, is injured in a serious accident, the wolves start to circle around looking for their kickback. These predators don’t care about access to state of the art medical facilities or the accommodations to homes and vehicles that can improve the quality of life for you or your loved ones. All they care about is the kickback they’re going to get from the unethical attorneys and therapy mills that they work with. Steer clear of these scoundrels and hire a reputable Queens brain injury attorney that will provide excellent service and knows how to obtain the huge settlement or verdict that’s required to fully compensate victims. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) Any type of blow to the head can result in a TBI, so it’s important to get the proper follow up treatment whenever this occurs. These are common symptoms of a mild TBI: ●       Loss of consciousness, even if very brief; ●       Memory, attention, ...

Why You Need A Creative Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck accidents cause more fatalities and catastrophic injuries than any other type of motor vehicle accident. That’s why you need a lawyer that knows how to think outside the box to get you the tremendous amount of compensation you’re entitled to for your medical costs, loss of earnings, diminution of future earnings, pain, suffering and emotional distress. You need a lawyer that knows how to find all the deep pockets and that can paint a picture that convinces an insurance company or a jury how terribly you’ve suffered and how that should translate into a large monetary award. Alyce Wittenstein has been helping people injured in truck accidents for more than twenty years, finding creative ways to help her clients regain their dignity and move forward with their lives. The Art Of Finding Deep Pockets Federal and state law regulates the amount of insurance that different types of trucks must carry in order to legally operate them. This coverage is sufficient for accident victims wi...