Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) and Low Impact Collisions
Don’t believe the insurance companies when they say that it’s impossible to sustain serious injuries in a low impact collision. The reality is that traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can be sustained any time there is force to the head. Brain trauma occurs in car accidents when the head is either propelled into the steering wheel, windshield or other hard objects in the vehicle. When a car is struck, sometimes the brain itself continues to move, causing it to collide with the hard bones of the skull. That’s whyan experienced Queens Brain Injuries Attorney will always recommend a trip to the emergency room after any head injury. A Slight Headache Can Be a Symptom of TBI If you’ve hit your head in an accident, even the slightest of headaches could be a sign that you’ve sustained bruising of the brain or a brain haemorrhage. The brain does not contain nerves so these types of TBI’s can often have the subtlest of symptoms. Don’t be fooled by the fact that there’s no open wound because w...