Are You Having Trouble Making Ends Meet?
The stock market is going through the roof, companies are showing record profits, and CEO salaries for large companies average over ten million dollars a year. That’s great for billionaires, but the rest of us are having difficulty paying our rent/mortgage and putting healthy food on the table. It’s hard enough when you’re working full-time, but if an accident causes you to accumulate large amounts of out-of-pocket medical expenses and you’re losing time from work, staying above water financially can feel impossible. That’s why it’s important to find out if you’re entitled to monetary damages because your accident was caused by somebody else’s negligence, recklessness, or intentional conduct. Wittenstein & Wittenstein is the Forest Hills accident attorney that’s a trusted source of legal advice for over sixty years. $50,000 in First-Party Benefits for Motor Accident Victims Suppose you were a driver, passenger, pedestrian, bicyclist, motorcyclist, or scooter rider involv...